
TV Channel Workflow
Automation System

Automating, Improving & Speeding Up
Processes in TV Networks

The TV channels automation system is a comprehensive and complete solution including all the tools, facilities and capabilities required by television networks to automate, improve and accelerate the processes of ingesting, preparing and broadcasting (linear or non-linear) content in the chain of receiving to publishing media asset. This powerful system covers the four main areas of “content ingest”, “content tagging and enrichment”, “content archive” and “content distribution and broadcast” in small and large television networks and reduces operational costs and increasing organizational efficiency.

For Stable and Advanced Television Networks

The variety of multimedia content formats that can be used in the production of television programs, as well as the need to create the integration of different contents in the broadcast output streams, have complicated the content management processes in television networks.

In addition to these things, time-consuming searches for required media, countless versioning and frequent transfer of files, implementation costs, infrastructure support and integrity, security and operational concerns and etc; have increased the need to pay attention to the stability of television networks. With SAMIM’s comprehensive automation system, overcome all these problems and complications in different parts of your television network.

The Main Advantages


Increasing Audience and Intelligent Analysis of Feedback

Using microservice manager for optimal and intelligent allocation of resources to processes and tasks, faster management of requests, troubleshooting, etc.


Reduce Operating Costs

Troubleshooting, maintenance, support and updating in the simplest possible way with the help of independent design of each component of this system


Full Security, Control and Monitoring

Consolidation of all interactions, communications and exchanges between different subsets, subsystems and operational components in a single software.

Main Features and Capabilities

Simplifying the processes

Distribution and Publish of
Media Content

After ingesting the content into the value creation cycle, its enrichment is first discussed so that it can be processed based on the goal of the program producer. Next, by storing the processed content in a suitable place (Storage or LTO), preparations are made for their presentation and distribution on various broadcasting networks.


Content Enrichment and
Related Processes

The complexity of classifying media asset has made the process of searching and finding the required items extremely difficult. This section plays a role with the purpose of classifying any type of media, making them searchable and adding additional information efficiently.

Automating the process

Archiving or Storing Content

It is very important to archive rich or raw content in such a way that the quality of accessibility and searchability is maintained. This feature allows you to archive or back up content on a variety of LTO tapes or digital media.

Improving the processes

Receiving (Ingesting) Content

One of the main tasks of SAMIM’s automation system is to enter content into the system in a managed and process-oriented way, so that in order to increase productivity, it is possible to manage, enrich and publish them.

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